101 Metal Repair Paste
A two component solvent free epoxy metal repair compound designed to fill surface erosion & corrosion on metallic surfaces. The material can be applied to mechanically or abrasive blast cleaned surfaces and once cured will retain high mechanical adhesion to metallic substrates. The thixotropic nature of the product means it can be applied at thicknesses up to 1” (25mm) without sagging and can be machined to fine tolerances.
- Solvent Free Epoxy Technology
- 2 Component
- Apply by Applicator Tool
- High Build Capability
- Apply to Metallic Surfaces
- Fully Machinable
- High Mechanical Adhesion
- Cracked pump housings
- Scored hydraulic rams
- Leaking tanks seams
- Damaged or worn flange faces
- Worn bearing housings
- Plate bonding